Hi guys - wonder if anyone can give little advice on a missing emails issue.
Of course this is the old some arrive and some don't issue (but most arrive)
- it would be a lot easier if none arrived.


The site is running CF8 on IIS with a SQL Server dbase - mail server is set
in CFMAIL to localhost as specified by the shared hosting provider.


Basic application process is a client requests a medical service by filling
in an online form and hits submit.


Database updates OK.


Email to the client arrives OK (BCC to me arrives OK).


Email to the service provider (there's only one) arrives most times but
occasionally doesn't (BCC to me arrives OK).


Issues only occur with service provider emails (BCC to me is OK). Their
network provider advises the missing emails don't even hit their mail server
- they run their own mail server and don't use their ISP's mail system. The
usual suspects of anti-spam systems and junk mail have been checked but
nothing extraordinary there.


I've approached the hosting provider to see if we can get SMTP logs but they
won't provide them because they contain other customer data  - that's
understandable but we could only ask.


Is there anything I can do application side to provide some tracking or
auditing or something so we can try to track this down.


Thanks guys!!!!




Kevin Parker




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