Wouldn't url rewriting be better for this?

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 20:46 PM, Robert Glover <sled...@gmail.com> wrote:

This is as much an Apache question as it is a CF question; I hope this is
acceptable.  I posted it to Serverfault  several days ago and haven't
gotten any response, and it's become a rather critical issue.


I've written a custom 404 handler for Apache. The handler looks at the
incoming URL (cgi.request_url), queries a database table, and responds by
redirecting the visitor to the new URL. What should happen:

www.mysite.co.uk gets redirected to www.mysite.com

That much works fine. But when we get to more complex urls:

www.mysite.co.uk/contact.aspx should go to www.mysite.com/contact/

Something (Apache?) is stripping out the contact.aspx portion of it so I
can't tell where to send the user. In fact, what's happening instead is
contact.aspx is replaced with index.cfm (the name of the 404 handler). No
other variables returned in the CGI scope contain the contact.aspx part of
the url.

Of course, we have the domain to be redirected pointed at this server via
DNS, and configured in Apache, since the simple versions of the URL work

Is there a configuration setting or something to get it to stop stripping
out the rest of the url? Thanks!


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