> You can either remove your CFQUERYPARAMs (which might be ok if your
 > data isn't coming from an untrusted source), or you can limit your
 > batch size so you don't exceed 2100 parameters per CFQUERY tag.

Might try this first. It's from inside a client admin system, and 
there's a specifically formatted xlsx sheet they use for this.
Plus, all the vars are cleaned before the insert as well.

 > You could either loop over the CFQUERY tag itself (which might well cause
 >  other performance issues)

It definitely does. One test spreadsheet I've got is over 15,000 
records, and I might as well go get lunch. Usually the server resets the 
connection before it completes...

 > or you could make sure your loop doesn't exceed 350 records (2100 
divided by 6)
 > by having an outer loop and an inner loop.

Could this be a job for cfthread? Split a large list up into 4 or 5 
threads and just let them run (as soon as I get my head around the 
math... heh)? Seems that would speed things up a good bit, but I've 
never used cfthread before. Might be fun...

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