
Replies inline:

>  I do have a question though regarding the customization of
> ContentBox. My biggest stumbling block with the use of a CMS is the
> customized site functionality that I typically require being just managing
> page content and blogs. As an example, adding a product catalog or
> membership management. Can the ColdBox admin be modified to roll the
> management of these area into a unified interface?

Yes, through the cascading file system, as well as through interception points. 
 For example, the index() function modules.contentbox-admin.dashboard calls  

If you added your own /views/modules/contenbox-admin/dashboard/index.cfm file, 
then it would be used over the version of in the contentbox-admin 
module /views/dashboard directory.  There are also a ton of interception points 
that you can use.  Take a look at the ModuleConfig.cfc for the CB admin and 
read up on interceptors in the Coldbox documentation for ideas on how to use 
them effectively.

> I briefly looked at
> SlatWall and it seemed like a separate administration just linked to from
> within the ContentBox admin, not actually managed there. So there is
> separate users for both admins. Is it possible to create extended
> functionality like a product catalog, but have it use the ContentBox admin
> and users as well?

Yes, just have the controllers (“handlers” in ContentBox lingo) for the 
areas you want to serve within the admin extend  
"modules.contentbox-admin.handlers.baseHandler" and then use custom routes to 
bring them in to the admin path.  They will be under the influence of the 
security interceptor that way. 

> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Jon Clausen <>
> wrote:
>> I have and will continue to use both.  They are both great for what they
>> provide, but what they provide is very different.  If I’m developing a
>> basic site with maybe a few custom plugins for display on the front-end,
>> Mura is my choice.  If I’m refactoring an existing application or need 
>> to
>> develop an app with a great deal of customization, then ContentBox is my
>> choices.
>> ContentBox is a plugin for the Coldbox framework, and follows the module
>> specifications for inheritance, which means you can extend or override just
>> about anything in the core functionality if you need to and develop your
>> own modules which extend its functionality.  Mura, for all effective
>> purposes, *is* the framework, so you are limited by its conventions. A
>> basic breakdown of where each shines:
>> Mura:
>> - Intuitive, clean admin interface
>> - In-page editing on the front-end of the site. (clients love this feature
>> to make quick edits or adjustments to individual pages)
>> - Easy template system, structure and display view extensions
>> - Easy page layout customization and content collection displays
>> - Simple, if somewhat limited, plugin architecture
>> - Regular releases and:
>> - Self-updating (ContentBox doesn’t yet support this)
>> - Multi-site capable out-of-the-box
>> ContentBox:
>> - Modularity and compatibility with just about anything you need to
>> customize through Coldbox’s cascading file system and access to Wirebox.
>> - Access to the full set of Coldbox features
>> - Fast and getting faster - ContentBox isn’t yet updated to run on 4.0
>> but, when it does, it should scream.  I find that, with caching enabled on
>> both, ContentBox is a bit faster, though the system reserved memory
>> required to run a medium to large ContentBox site is higher.
>> - Nice admin dashboard
>> - User management. I much prefer the roles/permissions administration and
>> functionality of ContentBox to Mura
>> Hope that helps,
>> Jon
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