Thanks Rob

I recreated your example with the cfartgallery data source in CF.

Here is my method:

<cffunction name="data" access="remote" returntype="query">

<cfset var q = ''/>

<cfquery name="q" datasource="cfartgallery">
select * from artists

 <Cfif q.recordcount eq 0>
        <Cfset q = queryNew("artistID,firstName")>
    <Cfset queryAddRow(q,1)/>
    <Cfset q.artistID = 0/>
    <Cfset q.firstName=''/>
 <Cfreturn q/>

Here is my call:

                        type: 'get',
                        url: 'data.cfc',
                        data: {
                            method: 'data',
                        dataType: 'json',
                        success: function (result) {


So how do I output the data on the page?

>Well, I don't know what standardiseCfQueryJSON does, but here's what I do:
><cffunction name="listFields" displayname="List Fields"  access="remote"
><cfargument name="growerID" displayName="Grower ID" type="numeric" hint="I
>am the Grower ID" required="true" />
><cfset var q = ''/>
> <cfquery name="q">
>Select * from `field`
>where g_id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.growerid#"
>cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />
>order by fieldname
> <Cfif q.recordcount eq 0>
><Cfset q = queryNew("f_id,FieldName")>
><Cfset queryAddRow(q,1)/>
><Cfset q.f_id = 0/>
><Cfset q.fieldname=''/>
> <Cfreturn q/>
>and then on the calling page:
>  $.ajax({
>                        type: 'get',
>                        url: '/cfcs/field/fields.cfc',
>                        data: {
>                            method: 'fieldData',
>                            fieldID: $("#fielder").val()
>                        },
>                        dataType: 'json',
>                        success: function (result) {
>                                $("#fieldname").val(result.DATA[0][2]);
>                                $("#acres").val(result.DATA[0][12]);
>                                $("#911num").val(result.DATA[0][6]);
>You are taking a Query and putting it in a struct.  I would either leave it
>a query (as Above) or put it in an array
>On Fri, 6 Mar 2015 at 10:20 Torrent Girl <> wrote:

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

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