You should retrieve the name of the file as it was saved on the server from
the File.ServerFile variable, and use that value to insert into your table.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 12, 2001 10:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: HELP!!

i am having problems getting this statement to write to the db properly....
all of the fields enter the way they should accept the ImageName which is a
file upload..
it shows up in the db as C:\windows\temp... ect...
it worked a few days ago and i took one form field out of the statement and
the form its self and now i cant get it to work again... so here is the code
(both that i have tried to use in the last 2 hours)

<cfquery name="Image" datasource="????" dbtype="ODBC">
INSERT INTO ImageManager (ImageName, BigImage, ArtistName, Year, Date, Type,
RealName, Size, PriceFrame)
With this i get a syntax error on my INSERT INTO

and then.....

<cfset ImageName = Form.ImageName>
<cfinsert datasource="????"
   formfields="ImageName, BigImage, ArtistName, Year, Date, Type, RealName,
Size, PriceFrame">
with this everything goes fine accept it enters the
C:\WINNT\TEMP\ACF2F19.tmp (or something like it) in the ImageName field of
the db.
has anyone else had this problem or can anyone PLEASE help me? (oh yeah the
file uploads fine just enters the wrong info into the db.)

many thanks,

Jay Patton
Web Pro USA
406.549.3337 ext. 203
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