I have this script that is called when a form is submitted.  It is supposed to display 
a popup window if two of the three selectboxes are the same.  It works good except 
that if the first box is selected and the other two are null or empty then the popup 
appears.  Same thing happens with the second box selected and the first and third null 
or emtpy, and the same with the third box.  Otherwise it works great with two boxes 
selected that might be the same.  Any ideas on where I have gone wrong with this one?



function popup( pageToLoad, winName, width, height) 
if ((document.updatefav.myselectbox.value == document.updatefav.myselectbox1.value) ||
      (document.updatefav.myselectbox.value == document.updatefav.myselectbox2.value) 
      (document.updatefav.myselectbox1.value == 
  { if ((document.updatefav.myselectbox.value == null) && 
(document.updatefav.myselectbox1.value  == null))
   {return true;}
    else if
        ((document.updatefav.myselectbox.value == null) && 
(document.updatefav.myselectbox2.value == null)) 
     {return true;}
    else if
     ((document.updatefav.myselectbox1.value == "") && 
(document.updatefav.myselectbox2.value == ""))
     {return true;}
  xposition=200; yposition=300; width=250; height=90
     args = "width=" + width + "," + "height=" + height + "," +
  "location=0," + "menubar=0," + "resizable=1," + "scrollbars=0," +
  "status=0," + "titlebar=0," + "toolbar=0," + "hotkeys=0," + "screenx=" +
  xposition + "," + "screeny=" + yposition + "," + "left=" + xposition + "," +
  "top=" + yposition;
     window.open( "processed.htm","popup_win",args );

  return false;}

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