Your tag in line 3 reads "cfesleif" - it should be "cfelseif".  Don't you
just love those spelling errors!


-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Ashworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 15, 2001 10:17 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Invalid Token in IsDefined

OK .. I'm getting an error on line 3 of this custom tag snippet.  ColdFusion
says that the '(' is an invalid token.  If I comment out lines 3 and 4, the
error goes away and the code works perfectly (except for the condition
handled by lines 3 and 4).  The syntax is correct as far as I can tell.  I
get this error whether or not Request.SelectedDay exists.  Any ideas?

1 <cfif IsDefined('Caller.#Attributes.SelectedDay#') and
Attributes.SelectedDay neq
2     <cfset Attributes.SelectedDay =
3 <cfesleif IsDefined('Request.SelectedDay')>
4     <cfset Attributes.SelectedDay = Request.SelectedDay>
5 <cfelse>
6     <cfset Attributes.SelectedDay = Day(Now())>
7 </cfif>

Here's the full error message:

Just in time compilation error

Invalid token found on line 83 at position 20. ColdFusion was looking at the
following text:

Invalid expression element. The usual cause of this error is a misspelling
in the expression text.
The last successfully parsed CFML construct was a CFESLEIF tag occupying
document position (83:1) to (83:9).

Todd Ashworth
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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