It's like lighting up a cigerette right as your meal comes... I figured it
out (but am open to a better solution is anyone has one...)

<cfloop condition="#Find("<img", output, 1)#">
  imageStart =#Find("<img", output, 1)#;
  imageEnd = #Find(">", output, imageStart)#;
  imageLen = imageEnd - imageStart + 1;
  output = #Replace(output, Mid(output, imageStart, imageLen), "", "ONE")#;


"Steve Reich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
3a8ac460$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:3a8ac460$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> OK.. I am writing a tag with CFHTTP to blah, blah, blah... it works fine.
> Now I want to port my application to the Palm Pilot so I want to remove
> images from the output. Here's my line of thinking at the moment...
> <cfscript>
>  output = #Trim(CFHTTP.FileContent)#;
>  imageStart =#Find("<img", output, 1)#;
>  imageEnd = #Find(">", output, imageStart)#;
>  imageLen = imageEnd - imageStart + 1;
>  output = #Replace(output, Mid(output, imageStart, imageLen), "", "ONE")#;
> </cfscript>
> This works great in removing the first image.
> My Question:
> How can I loop this some how to remove all images without knowing how many
> are on the page? Fortunatly there are only 1-3 per page. I've been racking
> my brain for hours over this one.. any takers?
> Thanks,
> Steve

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