On 2/16/01 9:58 AM Ken McInnes wrote:

> Okay this problem has me completely baffled.  We have an administration
> module for a client with a login page that sets some session permissions.
> Subsequent pages then look for the appropriate permission using
> CFApplication.  Everything works fine on our end but when we implemented on
> the client site they cannot get into the administration module...very secure
> but useless!  ;-)  I have supplied the error they are getting and the
> CFApplication tag.
> The only way I have been able to replicate the error is by disabling the
> browser's ability to accept cookies on our internal network.  This then
> causes Cold Fusion to throw the error.  I have tried it on a number of
> different machines that we test on and the Cold Fusion application worked on
> all of them.  However, when I try the application on some machines external
> to our network they almost always fail but some do allow access to the
> administrator module.  They have been set to accept cookies so that doesn't
> seem to be the problem.

Does this client have cookies disabled? If so, have them turn them on or
start rewriting your code so that all links pass the #urltoken# variable.

The session management in CF requires either cookies or the #urltoken#.

Good luck.

- Sean
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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