Looks like you are missing a comma between "Water Utilities" and "Use of
Plastic Pipe"

Try that first

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Lamb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: a single quote bug with cf4.0?

I'm having a problem with a query. I've isolated the problem to a field that
contains a single quote and can't figure out why it's now escaping it
correctly. Is there a bug with cf 4.0 with not escaping single quotes, or is
it something else? Thanks for any help! Here's the error I'm getting:

ODBC Error Code = 22001 (String data right truncation)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would
be truncated.
SQL = "Insert into Reference (LegacyNum, DocumentLink, Title, PubAbbr,
Authors, CorporateSource, PubName, ConferenceLocation, MeetingDate,
Publisher, Availability, ISSN, ISBN, LibCongressNum, CODEN, OrderNum,
PubDate, PubYear, Edition, VolumeNum, IssueNum, Pagination, Pages, Language,
Notes, DocType, MediaType, Abstract, Descriptors, ADD_Date, ADD_Initials,
CHG_Date, CHG_Initials) Values('JAW71029', '', 'Water Utilities'' Use of
Plastic Pipe: Skagit County', 'JAW', 'Yale, Robert A.', '', 'Journal
American Water Works Association', '', '', 'AWWA', 'AWWA', '0003-150X', '',
'', 'JAWWA5', '', 'February', '1971', '', '63', '2', '124-126', '3',
'English', 'tables', 'Jnl Article', '', 'The successful use of plastic
material pipes in the Public Utility District No. 1 of Skagit County
Washington is discussed. One reason for the success is having experienced
installers, keeping in contact with manufacturers and using conservative
pressure ratings. The water district also has experienced cost savings using
the plastic pipe.', 'Plastic Pipe^Costs', 'DAW', '19951002', '', '')"
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