
On your output page Verity gives you access to the "Summary" variable and
you could do a simple loop over the criteria and a simple replace.

<cfparam name="form.criteria" default="funny Fusion">
<cfparam name="Summary" default="James is the funny guy with Cold Fusion
<cfloop list="#form.criteria#" index="num" delimiters=" ">
<cfset summary=ReReplace(summary,"#num#","<b>#num#</b>", "ALL")>

You could then do a CFFILE for the HTML page and create a variable that
comes from parsing the  content between the body tags and
do a similar type replace. I would loop over the search terms because the
content match may be separated.

You are on the right track. One thing that I have found is that parsing the
content of the page and inserting it into the database and using that when
indexing gives me a workaround for the fact that Verity does not index
titles and descriptions. Parse between the title tags and description tags
and you can index them.

-----Original Message-----
From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: bold verity search terms

Any ideas on how you would make bold <b> the verity search term in an htm or
cfm file that is returned from <cfsearch>?

The one way I can think of is to use <cffile> to get the html file and then
do a replace of the search term with <b>search term</b>.

Am I on the right track?

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