Gotta love this guy ... and this co's angle.  Looks to me they are just
trying to be of enough nuisance to perhaps get "purchased" ...... A wanna be
JRun if you will.  what good will this tagServlet be in one quarter or so's

Imagine if Allaire put out the following quote .....

"Here ya go folks .... here's Pharoah the new JRun/CFML processing engine
redesigned.  It cant process do WDDX, COM, nor X, Y nor Z you've built your
apps on ... but hey man ... its more effecient at what it can process, and
best of all ... its here to use today."  yippppeeee!

sounds kinda like what the n-ary people are saying.

"Ceri Moran, Chief Operations Officer for n-ary, added: ``In recent weeks we
have seen a tremendous increase of interest in tagServlet. ColdFusion users
have expressed to us concern about the merger of Allaire and MacroMedia
(Nasdaq: MACR - news). Although there are new products from them in the
pipeline, tagServlet is here now, available for beta download.'' """


----- Original Message -----
From: "defective dreams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: New App engine for CFML

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