Is there a directory on the D drive called \64.???.132.???\beta\images

or are you trying to connect to a server IP of 64.???.132.???\beta\images

The syntax of the CFFILE statement looks ok.  Although i usually format it 
in a different order and i dont think that matters.  I would try putting a 
trailing \ after images like this:


If you want to send the file to an IP use CFFTP.

At 12:38 PM 2/27/01 -0700, you wrote:
>why do i get this error?
>here is the query or rather the CFFile action.
><cffile action="upload"
>   filefield="ItemPic"
>   destination="#storepath#\images" <!-- the "#storepath#" is 
> 'D:\64.???.132.???\beta'. i used ?'s just for posting reasons. -->
>   nameconflict="overwrite"
> >
>and here is the error.
>Error Diagnostic Information
>Error processing CFFILE
>Error attempting to save uploaded file to path 
>'D:\64.???.132.???\beta\images..' Access is denied. (error 5)
>The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier 
>of (CFFILE), occupying document position (294:4) to (298:4).
>it worked fine the other day.
>any ideas?
>Jay Patton
>Web Design / Application Design
>Web Pro USA
>406.549.3337 ext. 203
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