cfscheduler is renown for being unreliable - we've had two examples of
scheduled events working fine on a daily basis for over a year or so, then
failing completely - either not running at all, or having to be manually
triggered in the administrator, or running but outputting 0kb size files.

First case scenario was CF 4.01 Enterprise running on Solaris/Unix box -
problem was fixed when back-ups of admin settings were re-instated - cause -
never found....

Second case scenario was CF 4.5 Professional running on IIS/NT4 box -
problem is still not resolved, have had to resort to changing the live site
to call the dynamic page that was previously being called to print the
static page via scheduler - cause - still not found - Allaire and usergroups
have not been able to assist - have tried everything from start/stop,
reinstall, remove/reinstate, upgrade and kicking the f**ker....

Hope this helped 


"Remember amateurs built the ark... Professionals built the Titanic"

(fyi - we now rely more or either server scheduled events or SQL server
scheduled SPs to do the regular update stuff - a little more reliable - so

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael S. Kimmett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 April 2001 23:03
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Scheduled tasks using CF


What are some of the problems you or a client has had with scheduled tasks
using CF? Specifics of the incident and the resolution would be very
helpful.  Also if you know, the web server used and version of CF server
would be helpful.

I am building a application for a client and reliablity is very important.
If scheduled tasks are going to fail often, then the reliable answer will be
to have this done manually.

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