You could also cfexecute a batch file (w/ 0 timeout) to generate the output.
This is done by calling the shell CF interpretter... cfml.exe on NT? (*nix
person myself). There's no user wait w/ a 0 timeout but the process will run
until completion.

Or if you could wait 15min you could use cfschedule to create a run once

-----Original Message-----
From: Calvin Moree [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 7, 2001 15:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Realtime Background Task

We are currently using CF 4.5.1 on NT.  I have an application where a user
inputs data into a form and submits the form to another page that enters the
data into the database.  What I want to do is at the same time as the data
to going into the database, I also want the data to be sent to a totally
separate page in the background.  If I use CFHTTP the user can’t continue
until the CFHTTP is complete.  I don’t want the user to wait because they
don’t need a response from the background page.  I just want to send the
data and not retrieve anything back.  Is there a tag or code I can use to
perform this function?



P.S.  The background page is performing several queries.  The query results
are then used to create a text file.  We don't want the user to have to wait
for the text file to be created.
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