I've done this, and it works fine.  You use xp_cmdshell to call cfml.exe.
Here's an example:

ALTER  TRIGGER myTrigger ON dbo.myTable

DECLARE @s_SQL varchar(5000), @ClientId as int

SELECT @ClientId = ClientId
FROM Inserted

SET @s_SQL = 'master..xp_cmdshell ''C:\CFBatch\myCommandFile.cmd '
SET @s_SQL = @s_SQL + CAST(@ClientId AS varchar) + ''' ,no_output'


When this is executed, it runs a batch file, called myCommandFile.cmd, which
is in a directory on the server.  Here's what's in myCommandFile.cmd:

SET CF_TEMPLATE_PATH=C:\CFBatch\myCFTemplate.cfm

This routine allows me to call a ColdFusion Template from within SQL Server
(could be a trigger or a stored procedure), and pass it a parameter (in this
case, the ClientId) that is coming from SQL Server.

As I said, it seems to work well, but in this scenario you need to have CF
and SS on the same machine.  I'm sure you could find a way to do it if they
weren't, but I didn't have to worry about that, so I haven't tried it yet.

Hope that gives you some ideas,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Schreiber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 26, 2001 1:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF Triggers?

Has anyone thought of a way to fire off processing of a CF template from a
database event? Just like a regular DB Triggering a Stored Procedure, but
instead calling a CF template? What can regular triggers do?

Tony Schreiber, Senior Partner                  Man and Machine, Limited
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   http://www.technocraft.com

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