I handle this in a different way. Here's what I would do:
<cfquery name="getAllCats" datasource="#application.DSN#">
SELECT CategoryID, Category
FROM tblClientCategoryTypes

<cfquery name="getCats" datasource="#application.DSN#">
SELECT ClientID, CategoryID
FROM tblClientCategory
WHERE ClientID=#FORM.ClientID#
<!---Create a list of selected categories--->
<cfset selectedcats = valuelist(getcats.categoryid)>
<form action="action.cfm" method="post">
<!---Output all categories, checking for the the selected categories.--->
<cfoutput query="getallcats">
<input type="checkbox" name="CategoryID" value=""
<CFIF listfind(selectedcats, categoryid) GT "0">checked</CFIF>><br>

Make sense? If you're doing this a lot, you might want to make the list an
array, which will process a bit faster, but if it's a short list, I don't


Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer
UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
103 Extension Bldg
432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-7923

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