I'm curious on why do you need to track each and every page on your site.

If statistics is what bothering you, just implement a <cfquery> that will
counter for specific tasks/pages you want to track seriously (that's what we
just don't forget to use <cftry><cfcatch> to skip the counting if something
goes wrong (better not track a single view then to give a stupid error).

Anyhow, I'm intrested too if a <cfinclude template="/comp/welcome.html">
would count as a hit on "welcome.html" with IIS stastics?


Michael Lugassy,
Interactive Music Ltd.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Mamone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 8:29 PM
Subject: Fusebox and Search Engines/Statistics

> I am just reading up onFusebox and find it pretty interesting. However,
> before developing with that methodology, I am trying to determine the pros
> and cons of it.
> I have a question:
> How does always calling index.cfm impact statistics and indexing of the
> website?
> I welcome anyone's comments on this issue on determing pro/cons. I'm sure
> there are other users with the same dilemma.
> Thanks,
> Frank Mamone.
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