<cfif not IsDefined('form.gname') or not Len(Trim(form.gname))>  should
should work better.  It will trap if the field is blank or does not exist,
either one.

As to why it only seems to be happening on the Macs of AOL users, i have no


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 2:10 PM
Subject: form field parameter not recognized

| We're having a strange problem with form field
| parameters not being recognized when being passed to a
| second page even though all the code is there and the
| form field is present.
| Here's the code on the original page:
| <form action="http://www.fancyblooms.com/test.cfm";
| method="post">
| <INPUT NAME="gname" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35"
| MAXLENGTH="75" value="" style="font-family:
| Verdana,Arial; font-size: 9pt;">
| ... more form fields here
| <input type="submit" name="next" value="Next ->">
| </form>
| On the second page, test.cfm, there is a check to make
| sure that the first form field, gname, is not blank.
| <CFIF form.gname IS "">
| <b>Error</b><P>
| ... etc
| The error that SOME visitors get is:
| "Error resolving parameter FORM.GNAME. The specified
| form field cannot be found .... "
| Now, I know the form field is there, and I can't
| duplicate this error under any of the PC based
| browsers we use (IE, Netscape, Opera). The only common
| thing I do know is that the few people that did get
| this error are using AOL 5.0 and are on the MAC
| platform.
| I understand that I could use client side validation
| with CFFORM to make sure these fields are not empty,
| but I'm trying to avoid all the Javascript that goes
| along with it.
| Is anyone familiar with this problem? Is it AOL and
| MAC related? Any suggestions?
| Thanks everyone!
| Mark

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