check out the NVL function.  i'm assuming this is SQL server.  if you
NVL(total, 0) in your sql query, it will substitute 0 for the NULL values.
i'm also assuming that negative #newtotal# is ok.

chris olive, cio
cresco technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: Gryphawk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Subtract Null = Error

Hi there

I was hoping you could help me with a problem - I have a calculated value
from the following code:

<cfoutput><cfset newTotal =(Recordset2.TOTAL - Recordset1.TOTAL)>#newTotal#

Which works just fine when the Recordset2.TOTAL and Recordset1.TOTAL are
populated by the SQL (as set by search parameters on a previous page).

However, on occasion Recordset2.Total is equal to nothing (null?) while
Recordset1.TOTAL has a value due to the search string, and when this
happens, CF throws an error which reads:

"An error occurred while evaluating the expression:

  newTotal =(Recordset2.TOTAL - Recordset1.TOTAL)

 Error near line 316, column 17.

 Cannot convert to number."

Is there anyway to get around this such as an If Recordset.TOTAL = nothing,
Then [don't subtract]?

My apologies that I am only just starting to learn how to write coded stuff.

Many thanks,

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