Excuse the intrusion, but I thought this might be relevant to all of us....

IT-Talk is a new discussion list formed by the people who brought you
JS-Jive (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JS-Jive) and the RIMZOO Developer's
Forum (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RIMZOO)!

IT-Talk is a group for the open discussion of all things Internet Technology
related. From web server software, programming languages, internet related
issues, wireless web, web statistics, browser wars, etc. If it pertains to
the web, then it's fair game. This group serves as an overflow buffer to
other programming and internet discussions that may be off topic for your
other discussion groups. SPAM is not permitted.

If you would like to join, send a blank email to
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit the home page at

We are eagerly looking forward to your participation and contributions!

Steve Reich
Moderator,  IT-Talk

Get the mailserver that powers this list at http://www.coolfusion.com
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

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