Short answer: Yes.

I've been running and logging referer tests for about 6 months now.  I get
an email every time one fails, and record all initial 'incoming' visitors in
a db that logs, among other things, browser type and referer value.

Every once in a while I'll have a user get 'refered' in from my own site,
which should be impossible given the tests I run.  Only maybe 1 out of 100
fail, and the failure appears to be random... sort of.  It appears to be
restricted to IE 5.x and AOL browsers after AOL 4.0.  However I haven't
tried to quantify this other than eyeballing the reports.

On occasion, maybe the browser drops the ball and somehow loses the referer

This could also be user behavior: Lets say for some reason a page doesn't
load properly for whatever reason.  a user could place their cursor in the
Address field at the end and hits the ENTER key. That would do it, too.
(i.e. user 'arrives' at a page after hitting 'Enter' and actually refreshes
it.  The next link is a referred link in from my own site).

Matt Robertson      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sima Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: cgi.http_referer problem

So the question is:

Is there any other situation when the cgi.http_referer would not be get

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