>1. Pros? Cons? Opinions? I've generally only seen good
>    feedback, but I thought I'd see...

I can't recommend Fusebox at this point... the official version is a study
in overkill that tries to define the "right way" for your apps to be built.
Some folks love that aspect of it, of course, but I have no patience for the
whole thing.

OTOH, I highly recommend using a fusebox. The fundamental idea is very
useful. To me, the key is to just look at the core concept:

<cfswitch expression="#fuseaction#">
        <cfcase value="showform">
                <cfinclude template="myquery.cfm">
                <cfinclude template="myform.cfm">
        <cfcase value="processform">
                <cfinclude template="security.cfm">
                <cfinclude template="update.cfm">
                <cflocation url="index.cfm?fuseaction=showform">

Routing all requests through a central hub creates a handy, self-documenting
"map" of an application's flow, allows modularization without tons of nested
includes, and provides a mechanism for turning basic security (or whatever)
features on and off on a per-request basis without a lot of conditional or
"hidden" code.

Everything else is just extra, and may be completely unnecessary in any
given situation. You don't need to move incoming variables into a unified
scope, you don't need to nest fuseboxes, you don't need to wrap the whole
thing in cf_bodycontent/cfsavecontent and delay rendering, or anything
else... there's a ton of benefit to be had from the simple beauty of a

Not that I'm discouraging use of the extras... there are all kinds of
interesting things you can do, above and beyond the basics. But you don't
have to use Fusebox and its trappings to make use of a fusebox.

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