I agree they are definately way to overzealous and their server sucks.
Probably because no one will host them :) However, they are not the worst.
We got onto some list called Pegasus or something a while back, and it is
absolutely insane how they run this thing. They do a lookup on ARIN and
block every netblock that is owned by the netblock that failed one of their
tests. We think a dial up customer sent some spam, not sure though. Their
web site does not tell how one got on their blacklist and they do not answer
emails. We were never able to get off of their list despite the fact that
orbs thinks we are fine... We actually went and got a couple more netblocks
and another backup backbone provider, stuck our mail servers on the new
backbone and forgot about them. We might still be blacklisted for all I know
What's worse is that the people who use the blacklist services really do not
know how these lists work. I talked to two different admins that ran this
Pegasus list and they had no clue how one got on or off the list. They also
didn't know who ran it or how it was run. Sounds like a protection racket to

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Stevenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: OT: SPAM lists?

> It's the fact that the legit folks get nailed as well.
> Listen..we all agree that spam is evil...we all agree that mail servers
> should not be open.....BUT is it so bad to give the folks running the
> a chance to fix it first??  My issue is that once found to be open it is
> incredibly difficult to get off the blacklist.  This means that legit
> can be without mail for a long time.  Even if ORDB continues to aid in
> stopping legit mail, they could at least invest in some decent hardware
> bandwidth.  I mean 5-10 hours to test a mail server is so ridiculous it's
> not funny.  If they are going to keep it up then the test should be avble
> be performed in a matter of minutes and not hours.
> They suck....I'm right...so na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;-)
> Bryan Stevenson
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> p. 250.920.8830

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