>Well Len thanks for calling me lazy and incompetent.  Until I got
>blacklisted I did not know about open relays.  So how does that put me in
>either category?

If you run a public mail server, don't know what open relays are, nor how 
to close your own, that's incompetence.

>The mail server I was running had no documentation about
>the possible abuse of or even the existence of open relays.

then change mail servers.  there's lotsa of good ones around, commercial 
and free.

>I can guarantee you that had I received a warning, it would certainly 
>would have "energized" me to deal with the situation.

So would have coming in the office one morning to find your mail server 
hijacked and the transit point for 30K abuse mails/hour all night, and 600K 
mail queued up to go, disk full.

>Please watch those blanket statements in the future...because I am far from
>lazy or incompetent...you weenie ;-)

As with MS and their repeated security screw ups, the grace period for open 
relays is over, long ago.  That said, if you pay to pay MAPS and DL their 
RBL reverse zone, it's 10+ mb of open relays, IIRC.

(Don't put your mailbox server on internet as MX host, either.)


http://BIND8NT.MEIway.com : ISC BIND 8.2.4 for NT4 & W2K
http://IMGate.MEIway.com  : Build free, hi-perf, anti-abuse mail gateways
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