At 12:39 PM 12/13/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>OK, I'm learning about some of the pain referenced below ;-)
>I'm trying to perform an HTTP post operation, but I can't figure out how to
>do it with TCPClient.  I know I need to change the method from GET to POST:
>          <cfset obj.SendRN("POST /myTest.cfm HTTP/1.0")>
>But I don't know how to set the form data.  Also, is it possible to use
>multiple encoding types, like:

Hmm... You would have to ask THAT question, eh?

Fortunately, unless you're uploading binary data the payload/body of the 
http message is basically just standard url encoded data. Ie,:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Name=Osama&Action=Submit

etc. Otherwise you have to use MIME.

>            enctype="text/plain"
>            enctype="multipart/form-data"
>            enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Um, yes, if you use MIME you can pretty much use any mix of formats you 
like. But it can be a challenge to do it by hand. (3.x has some mime + 
s/mime handling routines to take care of care of the bulk of this. It has 
to to be able to handle s/mime.)

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