This code would fail my own code review.  I don't allow any "url." or
"form." variables inside CFQUERY statements.  This, however, might

<!--- Validate ID --->
<cfif #isdefined("id")# is "true">
        <cfset theId=#val(htmleditformat(REreplacenocase(id,
"[*,;^>:?<|\]", "" , "ALL" )))#>
        <cfset theId=0>

<!--- update time of last visit for this user --->
<cfquery name="queryit" datasource="#dsn#">
      update people
      set updated = '#dateformat(now(), "MM/DD/YYYY")#'
      where peopleid = <cfqueryparam value="#theid#"

(Note:  I am not using CFQueryParam here as a validation tool.  I
already know the variable is an integer.  This query is from a header
and will fire every page load so I want successive queries to run from
cache on the Database server.)

Good Fortune,
Richard Walters,
Webmaster, Davita Laboratory Services
(800) 604-5227 x 3525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/12/02 01:44PM >>>
<cfqueryparam> does in fact prevent that code from running.  
<cfqueryparam> creates a prepared statement with parameters.  It then 
compares what you've entered as a value with the datatype you've 
specified and, if successful, binds the parameters with what you've 
entered.  So, if you entered:

select * from table where id = <cfqueryparam value="" 

and then in your url entered: id=12;drop table yourtable

It would through you an error.

As well, if you had:

select * from table where id = <cfqueryparam value="" 

It would create the equivalent SQL statement of:

select * from table where id = '12;drop table yourtable'

----- Original Message -----
Date: Friday, April 12, 2002 11:00 am
Subject: RE: Preventing SQL injection attacks...?

> let's say you have a text field that is 100 characters long. you 
> can still
> get a "drop table tablename" appended to the sql statement or 
> write an
> entire sql statment. Cfqueryparam was meant to speed up cfquery, 
> not be to a
> cure all.
> Anthony Petruzzi
> Webmaster
> 954-321-4703
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zac Spitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 1:06 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Preventing SQL injection attacks...?
> >you can't forget that form fields also play a part in this. after 
> reading>the informaiton provided in jeff's link, it did shine a 
> light. although i
> >have been taught from the beginning to always use val() around 
> numberic>values (thank Adam) and to use regex to validate text 
> input (props
> Raymond).
> >if your anal and take the time to make sure that the information
> people
> >are passing you is in the extact fomrat you want, you shouldn't 
> have a
> >problem. also, don't rely on javascript, i always do server-side 
> validation>even after client side, just to make certain. i even go 
> as far as putting
> as
> >much validation as i can into my stored procedures and triggers. 
> although>SQL server doesn't support regular expressions , which 
> sucks! anyone know a
> >way it could?
> >
> why not just use cfqueryparam, it validates and it makes your sql 
> code 
> run faster???

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