We've successfully used the CFX_Excel tag for a couple of years now.
We've just upgraded our server, and we've now got a problem
with the usage of the tag.  Here's the setup:

Windows 2000 Server
CF 5.0
Office 2000 (complete install)

When the CFX_Excel tag is invoked, the following warnings are generated in
the server's Applicaiton Log:

Warning #1
Detection of product '{00010409-781-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}' feature
'ExcelUserData', component '{8AD02C96-C8B7-11D1-9C67-0000F81F1B38}' failed

Warning #2
Detection of product '{00010409-78E1-1102-B60F-006097C998E7}', feature
'OfficeUserData', component '{C9AF9050-C8BE-11D1-9C67-0000F81F1B38}' failed.

We've tried everything (with Office and the CFX tag) from re-install, to
uninstall and re-install to having the Office disk in when the tag is
invoked.  Nothing helps and this error fills the Application log about every
day (because the application is heavily used).  Can anyone help or shed any
light on the problem?


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