take it out of the cfinput and see what it's producing

-----Original Message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 26 April 2002 17:33
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Variable names in CFINPUT

At 05:16 PM 4/26/02 +0100, Adrian Lynch wrote:
>post more of your code please

I'll have to get it from home.  Basically, I have a set of variable names 
and values that I get from a query.

So it's something like this:

<CFQUERY name="GetFields" datasource="#dsn#">
         SELECT FieldName
         FROM Fields
         WHERE TableID=#TableID#

<CFLOOP Query="GetFields">
         <CFQUERY name="GetValues" datasource="#dsn#">
                 SELECT #GetFields.FieldName#
                 FROM #TableName#
                 WHERE ID=#ID#
         <CFSET DefaultValue=evaluate("GetValues.#GetFields.FieldName#")>
                 <CFINPUT Name="#GetFields.FieldName#

I'd like it to loop through the inputs and create a form, but it gives the 
error about duplicate names, even though the names are different (though 
the variable name is the same.)


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