Any Sendmail and/or listserv gurus out there?

I've got some questions, hopefully you've got answers. This is to do with a
CF project so it's not entirely off-topic. :)

The project is an online newsletter engine, with email broadcast
capabilities to subscribers. Right now, in the prototype, I'm using CFMAIL
for outgoing, and processing incoming bounces/unsubs with CFPOP, which isn't
the most efficient process in the world.

I want to use Sendmail for outgoing and a listserv for incoming as much as
possible, for the speed/efficiency.

Questions are:
1) Is there a way to drop a text file of the email contents directly into a
directory on the Sendmail box, a queue folder of some sort, that Sendmail
monitors and processes automatically? i.e. instead of doing a CFMAIL with
the email contents, writing those contents to a text file and transferring
that file onto the Sendmail box.
2) Is there a way to export, from the CF app, a list of subscribers right
into a listserv mailing list, and use the listserv to process
bounces/unsubscribes - and then tap into that listserv list from the CF
side, and update the subscriber DB based on what the listserv has

Please reply off-list, thanks :)

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