>>>make any sense?

Well honestly, yes and no,
or co-ordinates are coming back in degrees that is positive,

so if this is the case 


>>>>  minutes  <<<<<

I'm not sure which may to identify this,


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Longitudes and Latitudes (AGAIN)

looks maybe like your distance is in radians? are your lat/long coordinates
radians as well?  for that formula i think you need radians:


great CIRCLE distance forumla:
where lat & long are in radians, should you give nautical miles.

> (maxLatitude)*(COS(minLongitude-maxLongitude)))))))>

not sure of your GIS technology but most (that i know) would render
geographic data based on a bounding box (lower left, upper right).
actually seems kinda hard to query for spatial features like this (center
point & distance)...though i guess it might be building the bounding
box from that onfo on the fly ll=xMid-d, yMid-d, ur=xMid+d, yMid+d.
if that's the case i guess the distance needs to be in radians (or
or whatever it will swallow).

make any sense?

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