ok this is going to sound long
i have a phone list [we all do!]

i can group by studio & display in one column employee phone info & such

or if i write it a different way i can show all office info LOOPed into 3

But i cant seem to do both!
I would like to use a group by studio like i have, but display employee info
top, down the right top, down & again
in 3 culms

i have tried a few different ways & just keep getting deeper...
Any help would be wonderful!



<cfquery name="Employees" datasource="RPH">
SELECT  tblEmployee.Lastname + ' ' +  tblEmployee.Firstname as Fullname,
tblEmployee.EMPLOYEE_ID, tblEmployee.EmployeeID, tblEmployee.StudioID,
tblEmployee.StatusID,  tblStudio.StudioID, tblStudio.OfficeID,
tblStudio.StudioName, tblOffice.OfficeID, tblOffice.City,
tblPhone.PhoneNumb, tblPhone.PhoneTypeID, tblFloor.floor 
FROM tblEmployee, tblStudio, tblOffice, tblPhone, tblFloor 
WHERE tblEmployee.studioid = tblStudio.studioid 
AND tblOffice.OfficeID = '#FORM.OfficeID#' 
AND tblPhone.EmpResID = tblEmployee.EmployeeID
AND tblPhone.PhoneTypeID = '1'
AND tblEmployee.StudioID in (#FORM.StudioID#) 
AND tblEmployee.FloorID = tblFloor.floorid 
ORDER BY tblStudio.StudioName, Fullname, tblEmployee.EMPLOYEE_ID;

<title>NBBJ Intranet / The Firm / People / Phone List</title>
<script language='javascript' src='/include/js.js'
<cfoutput><script language='javascript' src='/include/layers_#curSect#.js'

<body bgcolor='#ffffff' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' marginheight='0'
marginwidth='0' onmouseover='hideAll();' onmouseout='hideAll();'>

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">

<CFOUTPUT QUERY="Employees" GROUP="StudioName">    
<tr valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="##908e8e"> 

<span class='subwhite'>Office - Studio</span><br>
<img src='/images/shim.gif' width='' height='1' border='0' alt=''>

<td><span class='subwhite'>#Employees.City# - 
<a href="../../../thefirm/people/pictureboard.cfm?StudioID=#StudioID#"
style="color: White;">

<!--- Begin :: This is the section i would like to loop into 3 columns --->
<tr valign="middle"> 
<cfoutput group="fullname">
<!--- End :: This is the section i would like to loop into 3 columns --->


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