Pretty impressed with DWMX so far, with the inevitable initial niggles,
wondered if anyone had the same problems and could maybe shed light on

- Obviously I miss the built-in expression builder and expression
reference. I grabbed Neil Clark's Expression Panel extension, and it
seemed to install OK. But when I selected it from the right-click menu,
I got this message: "Unable to find Expression.htm in the
Configuration/Floaters directory. The floater will not be shown." And
from then on, nothing happens. Anyone?

- Connecting to a datasource on our local server in the Databases panel
is as slow as it was in CFStudio - although this is probably a local
network problem we have. Only, when I close the file I was working on
(if there are no other files left), the DS I was working with 'folds
up', and I have to exand it and all the tables I was using again.
Groan!! Any way round this apart from always keeping at least one file

- New file browser takes a bit of getting used to. I never used CFStudio
5, and was kind of looking forward to the double file-browser for
copying, etc. But the Mac-style folder/file browsing seems a half-way
compromise. Only, why do I have to expand the thing to full-screen
("File View"?) to get the size, date, etc. for files in columns? I can
get this info when it's collapsed to a panel by hovering over a file,
but it's sometimes nice to see the info all lined up.

- Also, I can't find a way to control the sorting of files when you're
in the Site panel. I just want them ordered alphabetically, but they're
not. Am I missing an option?

- Is there a quick-start guide to modifying DW anyone could recommend?
Curious about how to replicate the CFStudio "custom buttons". And you
can't even modify the toolbars at the top. CFML Flow bar doesn't have
CFEXIT or CFBREAK in there - it's not exactly adding a "custom button"
to get those in, but how can you do it?

All in all, though, even as a dedicated CFStudio hand-coder, DWMX looks
kind of promising. The feel of it reminds me of first using HomeSite,
and thinking "There's some thoughfulness here."


- Gyrus

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