I have a page which allows access only if a user is coming from a specific page, and I 
use http_referer to grant or deny access.  But I don't think Opera gives this 
variable.  can anyone else verify that?   And how do you get around it? 

The situation is people buy access to an article or series of articles
through an online shop, and I am reasoning that if they have got as far as page 
101625, they must have paid or been given appropriate access. (that means I can leave 
it to the guy who looks after page 101625 to make sure he restricts access 
appropriately.  The code I'm using is as follows:   

<cfif isdefined("HTTP_REFERER") AND

<!---- if he's coming from the article page ----->
(#HTTP_REFERER# contains "#articleID#")
<!---- or he is coming back from the results page for another go round
(#HTTP_REFERER# contains "#calcfilename#")


<!---- if that's the case do nothing, i.e. let him in ---->

<!--- Otherwise send him to the head page of the article, where
the user will be bounced if not logged in --->


Can anyone see the flaw in this snippet that lets it work for IE and NN
but not for Opera?

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks
Windsor, NSW, Australia
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