Okay, made some progress on this and now have a better understanding of 
what I need to do.

cf_HTML2Excel connects to the Excel COM object which is great, but now I 
need to figure out how to translate this:

Cells.Replace What:="@", Replacement:="'", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder _
         :=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False

to run in the cfscript that is interacting with the COM object.  I've 
tried a variety of things but I'm not sure how to proceed.  I don't 
think I can save a macro since the workbook will constantly be changing.

Any thoughts or ideas?

Hatton Humphrey wrote:

> Does anyone have any expeirence with this tag?  I have it working almost 
> to where I need it but I'm running into an odd problem.
> I have a field that is coming in from a SQL Server VarChar with '000000' 
> as the value in the field.  It is being output to the HTML as 000000 in 
> the table but for some reason the excel file is translating it as a 
> numeric value and saving a single 0 in the file.  The problem is that 
> it's *supposed* to be a numeric value, so now I guess the question is 
> how to I force the tag (or more to the point, Excel) to save the numbers 
> as characters?
> TIA!
> Hatton
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