Sorry, I'm not real good with SQL....
I assume I can treat this query as a table, but how do I know the name of
And how can I tell is what data to put into this added column?

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 11:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: OT (SQL): Add column to query?

ALTER TABLE table_name 
ADD column_name datatype


ALTER TABLE table_name 
DROP COLUMN column_name

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Pieszak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 May 2002 16:13
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT (SQL): Add column to query?

I know this is OT, but I've seen some SQL on this list lately, so I figured
I ask:
Let's say I have this query: 

Col1    Col2    Col3 
1       a       10 
2       b       11 
3       c       12 
4       d       13 
5       e       14 
6       f       15 

But I'd like to add a column to this query later in the process, so I'd have

Col1    Col2    Col3    myCol   
1       a       10      24 
2       b       11      24 
3       c       12      24 
4       d       13      24 
5       e       14      24 
6       f       15      24 

Is there a queryAppend, or something I can use to add a column to a query in
MSSQL? If it makes a difference, every value in the added column will be the
same. Thanks for any help. Ryan

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