Javascript can work miracles here...

use JS to populate a hidden form field on submit.

function checkQty( theForm ){   
// check all QUANTITY fields
        for( k=0; k<theForm.elements.length; k++ ){

                if( fieldName.indexOf("quantity") >= 0 ){
                        fieldValue = "0" + theForm.elements[k].value;
                        if( parseInt(fieldValue) > 0 )
                                theForm.hidIDs.value += "," +

You may want to use JS to parse out the actual item ID if you are so
inclined.  Anyway, you'll get a hidden field [hidIDs] passed to the
processing page containing a comma-delimited list of the items that had a
QTY greater than 0.

Bryan Love
  Macromedia Certified Professional
  Internet Application Developer
  Database Analyst
Telecommunication Systems

"...'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
        - Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 12:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamically Processing Form Values

Hello all. New to the list - Hope someone can help me. Of course time is
somewhat urgent on this.

I have a lengthy form page. It is created through 5 cfqueries for eachmain
subject. The entire page is a form. I have javascript arrays that populate a
summary area on the fly when someone enteres a quantity.

Each product has a unique identifiers....product0 - product"i" - whatever
the recordcount is.
So another words - it loops through all records.. starting with "product0"
and currently ending in "product79"
Each product has about 4 form values I need to process..
So product0 - has itemqty0, itemdesc0, itemname0 and so on.
BUT I ONLY want products that have itemQty ( quantity) that is GT 0 to
display.With 79 products - each with 4 pieces of information - that becomes
316 of #FORM.Product0#
#FORM.ItemQty0# and so on.

The latest thing I tried was very straightforward.. except too straigh
forward.. do not know how to interject and only spit out the variabls with
of GTE 1

                   <CFLOOP COLLECTION="#form#" ITEM="myfield">
                           #variables.myfield# : #form[myfield]#
In my head it seems o straightforward.. but whatever I have tried does not
produce the right results.

So to recap my request. I have over 300 form values on the form page. On the
Form Process page - I wish to spit back out ONLY those that have a value in
the qty field of 0 or better.

Whatever I attempt I am unable to get this to work - seems like it should be
so simple. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
Jason Miller

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