Thanks, I'll check out that site.

Another Question

I am using com objects to return arrays to the CF page. I do most of my
coding ASP and the objects work wonderfully. I seem to be running into a lot
of silly problems when trying to code this way for CF. My objective is to
have separation between my database layer and my presentation layer. So that
if I need to convert the code later to some other language it wont be a
problem. Some projects I do require CF, some ASP, and some times others. So
I want to have good componentized code that I can reuse. How do you guys
handle things like this in CF? Do any of you program with COM regularly? I
am getting the feeling that it might not be the best idea with CF. Any
guidance would be appreciated.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Garza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 1:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unstructured info

The function UBound(arrayname, 2) returns the greatest value from the second
dimension of the array ArrayName. The closest function in CF to this is
ArrayMax(arrayName) but that only returns the greatest value from a one
dimensional array.  You'll have to copy the values from second dimension of
your array to a separate array and then get the ArrayMax of the new array.
You might also want to check and see if there is a user defined
function that will deal with multi-dimensional arrays.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 10:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unstructured info

This may sound like a silly question but I am having a hard time figuring
this out.

What is the CF equivalent to the VBScript UBound(arrayName,2)? I have been
all through the docs and cant find it.



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