Probably not much help - but in the least you can check the refering site with
#CGI.referer# and it if contains or something - you can say thanks or
- please pay through paypal. But that assumes they are paying through paypal and
coming right back.

And of course - paypal did come up with some tools - View this link

THey will send you a verified response from their servers containing specific
information at which time you check and can welcome the customer back securely.

jay miller

Mark Smeets wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've 2 questions, they are doozies too.
> Client wants to sell his little online e-book for 5$/chapter, decided to go
> with PayPal beceause well, no funds to spend on things like verisign and so
> forth. (Yes I know about some of the horror stories of PayPal.)
> First, I don't think you're able to re-direct the user back to a "thank you"
> page after they've made the purchase.  So this leads to a problem, I've got
> the e-book in question under a registration system, once you made the
> purchase, the registration is already complete and you can now login and
> read...that's the way I wish it was going to work but alas no.
> Here's what I've done.
> I've made an "instruction" screen that tells the user what to do. First go
> to paypal, then once you've paid, you can register and go on your merry way.
> As some of you may have already guessed this leads to a huge
>! So the script I am looking for does the following:
> The user cannot click on link 2 until he clicks on link 1.
> Again that still leaves the question of trust but right now that's the best
> option I can come up with. I'm not too sure how I can track a user at a
> different website and make sure she/he's going through the PayPal site.
> Any feedback, ideas, ways to shoot myself in the foot would be appreciated.
> --------------------------------------
> Mark Smeets / stranger0 / ICQ: 1062196
> "Life is a series of small victories" - Gene Simmons
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