Gotta have the monthly "future of CF" or "CF is dead" posting every
month.. it's required :-)

I see CF becoming more in line with other programming languages.  I
think there'll be some confusion and turnover as a result.  (CFC's -
objects, methods, and inheritance - oh my!  Is a great example)  You'll
need to be more of a "programmer" than a "scripter", and I think you'll
see more delineation between junior/senior programmers.

So I think you'll see more enterprise and industry acceptance, with a
reduction in "novice" development (where you only need an access
database, cfinsert, and cfform, and bam, an app in an hour) as the cost.

Billy Cravens

-----Original Message-----
From: Phoeun Pha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 11:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Future of Coldfusion

Hey guys, where do you think coldfusion is headed?  I mean, when 4.5
out, it was like when AMD came out with their cheap and competitive

But all of that excitement kind of died down.....well, at least for me
anyways.  But how about you guys?  Maybe the Macromedia merge had
to do with it.

What do you think?

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