Mark -

We developed an EMail delivery system that uses CF to handle subscribe,
unsubscribe, and email formatting, but uses PERL to actually process the
messages, personalize them using a substitution tag language, and write
the files to the mail queue.

We're capable of delivering 1.5M per hour on 4 Intel BSD boxes running
Sendmail Pro.  Additional capacity is as simple as adding more BSD

The advice the others have given is right on - there is no chance at all
that CF could even dream of sending this much email.  You have to write
directly to the spool.  You have to work with the developers of whatever
mail package you are using to find out the way to optimize the queue -
the server might have little tricks that allow it to deliver faster
(such as batching by domain).

To get the speeds we are getting, we had to write the spool file to RAM
disk - physical disk was not fast enough.  This means that we don't have
a "guaranteed send", since if the machine crashes, we lose that batch. 
It would be a simple matter to add a machine that has /tmp on disk for
guaranteed messages.

So, it can be done, but not with CF.

Oh, and about the pipe - we spike up to 30Mb/s when we send.  We've had
to move email sending to its own T3.

In case you're wondering, this is for emailed news, severe weather
alerts, school closing alerts, forecasts, etc. for a network of news
websites.  Its a mixed load of text, HTML, multipart, and pager/cell

You also will probably need to talk to large ISP's to get on their
"good" list - when you try to shove 2-3M emails down AOL's throat in an
hour, they notice..

Mark Warrick wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone had experience in creating an emailing solution driven by
> ColdFusion and SQL on any platform with any mail server that is capable of
> handling 4 million deliveries an hour?  If so, would you care to share what
> software you used to make it happen?  And do you have a live example of a
> company using the system?
> ---mark

Edward Smith                      Internet Broadcasting System
Director of Architecture
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