I am having what I see as an anomalous issue with a query of queries. The 
code and the results are below.

One of the queries is a cfdirectory listing.

cfdump'ing the query of queries ("qq") returns the correct data, but 
outputting it does not.

Somehow, the cfoutput of the query of queries is returning the info from 
the first row of the cfdirectory listing, rather than the row that matches 
the test.

<cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="D:\NISO-AZ\files\" name="getdir">
<cfquery name="q1" datasource="#DSN#">
         SELECT    files.fileName, users.UserName
         FROM      files, users
         WHERE   files.fileOwner = users.UserID
<cfquery name="qq" dbtype="query">
         SELECT     getdir.name, getdir.size, getdir.datelastmodified, 
         FROM       getdir, q1
         WHERE    getdir.name = q1.fileName

<cfdump var="#qq#">

<cfoutput query="qq">

<cfdump var="#getdir#">

<cfdump var="#q1#">


07/11/2002 11:53:30 AM testfile.txt 9 Cary Gordon

07/11/2002 04:50:31 PM,.,0,Cary Gordon

07/11/2002 04:50:31 PM . 0 Dir
07/11/2002 04:50:31 PM .. 0 Dir
A 07/11/2002 11:53:30 AM testfile.txt 9 File

testfile.txt Cary Gordon

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