To me, "Basic" threading is a single post system where you have one
topic, and users can post responses to that one topic.  As soon as you
have multiple threads from the one topic, it goes beyond Basic.

What I did was something like:


For the given Topic, you get all recursive-like with your posts.

There's a few open source php boards that are pretty easy to customize
and hack into.  I just got through the learning curve with osCommerce,
a php shopping cart system.  It's not too painful, I've had broken
bones that were worse.

who randomly adjusts his definition of painful

On 2/13/06, Seona Bellamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>  I'm trying to create a VERY basic message-board-type system (I've had a
> look around and I can't seem to find a CF one that's as basic as we want
> it). I'm having some throuble figuring out how to properly thread the
> messages.
>  I started with the idea of two tables:
>  * "thread" assigns each new thread an ID, and records some basic
> information about when it was created and by whom.
>  * "post" stores the details of each individual post, including a threadID
> column to record what thread it belongs to and a replyTo column to record
> what previous post it is in reply to.
>  First question: is this the best way to go about it? It made sense to me
> when I created it, but now that I'm trying to output the data I'm having
> trouble figuring out how to work it.
>  I'm pretty sure that grouping and/or ordering needs to come into this
> somewhere, but I'm having trouble working out how and where each of these
> bits fits in. So far I've managed a lot of different permutations, but none
> that are really workable.
>  Has anyone done something like this before? Any suggestions about how I
> could make it work? Ideally, I'd like to end up with a simple bulleted list
> so that this sort of thing can happen:
>  * Thread 1, post 1
>     * Thread 1, post 2
>     * Thread 1, post 3
>        * Thread 1, post 5
>     * Thread 1, post 4
>  * Thread 2, post 1
>     * Thread 2, post 2
>        * Thread 2, post 3
>           * Thread 2, post 6
>        * Thread 2, post 4
>     * Thread 2, post 5
>  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
>  Cheers,
>  Seona.

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