This confused me at first.
I couldn't see what your problem was.
Surely if your files are all OK, then you have no problem.

Then the penny dropped that you meant that they had a zero size, and
were 0kB, not that they were O.K.

There isn't any chance that your cf server has run out of HDD space, or
that the directory that CF sits it, where it will put the temporary
file before it writes of to your destination directory, is full, or
some permissions have changed, or something along these lines?

Darren T
who thought Chad wasn't happy with being OK

Chad Renando wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Cffile, uploads files to the server.  All of a sudden, files are 0k.
> Tried different file types.  goes through the upload, browser takes
> the time to upoload it, but when I check on the server, the file size
> is 0k.
> Anyone had this happen to them before?
> Chad
> who has bad breath today

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