
I am investigating the use of the Site-wide Error Handler template that can be 
defined in CFMX admin in 6.1 

I would be interested in hearing from people who have it in use..... with 
repesct to what information is presented to the user, and what information (if 
any) can be sent to the administrator\developer via cfmail or other methods.

As the project go-live is fairly recent, we are still finding bugs that cause 
ODBC errors, currently these errors cause the typical coldfusion error which 
shows sql etc, that we use to fix errors, also we occasionally get the "native 
thread" error, for which I would like to present 'nicer' error messages for.

I appreaciate any thoughts\experiences offered....

Thanks heaps.

Scott Thornton, Programmer
Application Development
Information Services and Telecommunications
Hunter-New England Area Health Service
p: +61 2 49813589
m: 0413800242
e: scott.thornton <at> hnehealth.nsw.gov.au

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