One of the more abused quotes.  JFK was the president of the United
States motivating a country during his inauguration.  Similar
principle, but the scale is off a bit.

Sure people need to be responsible for their own action.  But they
need a leader to show how its done.  The group is dormant for a
reason, because no one has stepped up.  JFK didn't make the point to
guilt people into doing it, but as part of his campaign as a man of
the people, someone they could relate to and believe in..

For every JFK quote, I am reminded of the classical poets Depeche Mode
who pointed out  "people are people".  Soccer and Tsunamis show we
will go to great lengths for things we get excited about, things we
believe in.  Get people excited about Cold Fusion and the CFUG, as
well as addressing any barriers such as location or convenience and
you have yourself a winner.  Keep up the great work, and thkns for
pushing through!


On 6/23/06, Darren Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If 6 months is a ridiculous amount of time to wait for a meeting, then
> should we assume that you'll be organising the venue, topics and
> speakers for the next meeting in 4 weeks time? You'll actually need to
> have it organised within about 3 weeks, as you'll need to start
> promoting it for the week leading up to the meeting. I'd bet large sums
> of money that Steve would accept any and all help in this manner.
> If you're not happy with what's being offered, and think there's any
> small amount you can offer, then offer it!
> These are community meetings. Run for the community, by the community.
> You could insert a John F Kennedy quote in here about not asking for
> things, but I won't.
> Regards
> Darren Tracey
> CFUG QLD Manager
> Australia
> >

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