Dale Fraser wrote:
> Yep I saw it to which lead me to conclude that it cant be done.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser

On the contrary - Not only could it be done, it's actually quite easy.

Just add you function to Application.cfc:
<!--- All your onApplicationStart/End, onSessionStart/End,
onRequestStart/End, etc, etc. --->

<cffunction name="maxFunc" output="false" returnType="string"
access="public" hint="">
        <cfargument name="str" type="string" required="true" />
        <cfset var returnStr = "ReturnVal: " & arguments.str />
        <cfreturn returnStr />


Call you function from any .cfm page:
Hello Max<br>
<cfdump var="#maxFunc('Well Hello Back!')#">

That should work just fine.

Have a good weekend everyone,

FYI: The function could even have access set to "private" and it would
still work

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