This is the application developed for Fairfax Business Media by the FRAME Group in Sydney with support from RocketBoots.  I gave a presentation on this application at the Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group the other week.  

Several people on this list were involved in it's creation, from RocketBoots I was the Flex Architect for the project and Justin McLean was responsible for a lot of the real estate UI (including his lovely maps) and account management code.  We also brought in some contractors for other UI work.  I'll let others mention their own involvement.

I will post the presentation slides today, and Justin and I will be blogging some more information about the Flex side of things over the coming weeks.  Quick stats:

~ 15 Developers
Started October 2005
1,903 classes in the client (437 .mxml, remainder .as)
Cairngorm 0.99
1.4Mb swf
855 Java classes

As far as we and some people at Adobe know it is the world's largest Flex application.



Robin Hilliard
Director - RocketBoots Pty Ltd
Consulting . Software Licensing . Recruitment . Training

For schedule/availability call Pamela Higgins:
w    +61 7 5451 0362
m    +61 419 677 151
f    +61 3 9923 6261

or Direct:
m    +61 418 414 341

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On 13/07/2006, at 9:07 AM, grant wrote:

I just stumbled across this - my first sighting of an AU flex app in the wild:

any ideas who the developers were?
any other AU flex apps that ppl know of?

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