Whoa! Huge error here:


What is that your DEV server or something.

On 05/09/06, Steve Onnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well seeing as no one has replied yet I will jump in.


I run inevaitve / novahost hosting.  Our servers are Melbourne based, not overseas which I feel makes a difference.  All of our equipment is local and we still, I believe are competitive.


We offer CFMX and CF7, MSSQL 2000 and mySQL 5, webmail and the normal services that come with hosting like webmail and so on.


We also have phone support as well as email support.


If you want to ask any specific questions about what we can do feel free shoot me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will give you a call directly




From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of CF Aussie Guy
Sent: Tuesday, 5 September 2006 2:03 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] ColdFusion Hosting Australia


Hi all,

Currently looking for somewhere to host a site, have found the following via google...
Can anyone give feedback on any of them, or recommendations on others not listed.

FAST.hit : http://fasthit.net/
Inevative : http://www.inevative.com.au/
Core Digital Media : http://www.core.com.au/
Aus Tiger : http://www.austiger.com.au/


Peter Tilbrook
ColdGen Internet Solutions
Manager, ACT and Region ColdFusion Users Group
PO Box 2247
Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620


Tel: +61-2-6284-2727
Mob: +61-0432-897-437

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